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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

136. No Age - Weirdo Rippers (2007)

This is weird. Punk and ambient music? How the hell could this work? Well, it doesn't, not really; what this album ends up being is a bunch of catchy punk tracks interspersed with noodly ambient passages, and the whole thing is over in a half hour. It doesn't gel together perfectly (or really at all), but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I admire this thing, mostly because it has the guts to go for such a weird-ass idea full-tilt without caring much if it makes sense or fits together or whatever. These are two styles at complete opposite ends of the musical spectrum, in terms of energy--hardcore punk, and Aphex Twin circa Selected Ambient Works Vol.II ambient stuff. "Every Artist Needs a Tragedy" is probably the highlight here, with its minute or two of white noise and feedback followed up by a massive guitar riff and yelling and static. Most of the other tracks follow the same pattern, although the majority of the songs are shorter and do much the same thing as the first track in even less time. "Boy Void" is super-catchy punk rock, "Loosen This Job" is scratchy noises and indistinct vocals. This album exists in a weird little cul-de-sac into which few other bands are probably going to want to venture (and for good reason--it really doesn't make any sense) but I like it anyway.


No Age - "Neck Escaper"

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