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Sunday, November 14, 2010

134. Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf (2002)

This record is completely unapologetic about its 70s influence--it's basically like listening to a classic rock station for an hour (and the little "radio" interludes, as irritating as they can get, only confirm this). I used to not like this one too much, thinking the production was too in-the-red and the whole thing was too singleminded to really enjoy, but time has improved it a little bit. Not a lot, but a little. First of all, there's not a lot of variety here at all--the opening track kicks your ass a little more than the rest do, and "Mosquito Song" brings in one of the Ween Brothers to vary the palette, but this is hard-drivin' 70s rock all the way, with massive, prehistoric guitar riffs and highpitched vocals and organ. Critics fell all over it because it certainly was rare to see hard rock played with such skill and as creatively as possible (note: sounding like 70s rock is not the same as ripping off 70s rock--compare these guys to Eagles of Death Metal to see the difference. These guys use their sound in an intelligent way, and take into account the fact that years have passed between the 70s and now). But the album is long, and monolithic, and there's a depressing stretch near the end of it that seems to be the exact same song over and over again for about four tracks, as well as the fact that "Song for the Dead" is just six minutes of ugly riffs. Aside from those problems, this is probably this decade's seminal "hard rock" (not metal or punk) record, so grab 'er if you like this kind of stuff. I personally think that if you can't beat Led Zeppelin, don't even try, but that's just me...


Queens of the Stone Age - "God Is In the Radio"

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