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Friday, November 12, 2010

135. Sigur Rós - ( ) (2002)

Conceptually, this is one of the strongest records on this list--it's split perfectly into two halves, the first half being a super-optimistic and joyous set of love songs and the second half a depressing series of apocalyptic dirges that bring to mind images of despair and your own eventual death. The tracks have no names (although they've been given names by fans, much in the fashion of Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works) and the lyrics are the exact same nonsense line repeated over and over again at different speeds and to different tunes. This album is a near-masterpiece, and the best album these guys have made; if you agree with me that the purpose of Sigur Ros is the construction of mood, the ability to paint modernistic pictures in your head, then ( ) is peerless, one of the greatest post-rock records ever made. Another point: This album is slow. The tracks are all six minutes plus (some surpassing ten) and generally do not change during their duration (aside from the apocalyptic last track, which sounds like all of hell is falling down on your head). If you can handle that, and you appreciate the skill required in constructing a world with sound (at which Sigur Ros are unmatched) than get this.


Sigur Ros - "6 (Untitled)"

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