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Friday, November 19, 2010

129. The Streets - A Grand Don't Come for Free (2004)

Mike Skinner was born to make this record. The concept album fits him like the proverbial glove, and what makes the whole thing even better is that this is basically a concept album about nothing much--our hero forgets to return his DVD, goes on a date, smokes pot at his girlfriend's house,'s a nice way of making use of the strengths of the concept album format without falling into its worst pitfall--pretentiousness. This album is funny, catchy, and perfectly sequenced--it flows like a good story, and it seemed like a classic the first time I heard it. Skinner is probably the most human rapper there is--he's all about his foibles and little moments most others would ignore. He takes the tiniest things and turns them into epics--"Empty Cans" in particular. The production is simple and effective, the lyrics are without peer (seriously--there's hardly a weak line on the entire record) and it's about as near a classic as this decade brought us. One or two of the tracks are weaker than the others, and that's a disappointment, but the rest of the album is so exemplary Skinner can keep on making crappy follow-up records for the rest of his life and I won't care. He's earned a lifetime of goodwill with this one.


The Streets - "Fit But You Know It"

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