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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

157. Lightning Bolt - Wonderful Rainbow (2003)

Lightning Bolt most resemble Deerhoof and Clinic in that their first album outlined a totally original style and subsequent albums did nothing to change it. Frankly, it doesn't matter what Lightning Bolt album you pick up--they're all the same thing, and all comparable in quality. What do Lightning Bolt do? Lightning Bolt, more than any other group, make a racket. Their purpose is the production of noise. Their music doesn't "rock" in the conventional sense; the guitar riffs are too fast to really hold onto and the absence of comprehensible vocals immediately renders their music useless to sing along to. But their music is loud and it is fast. It's basically the Platonic ideal of a marriage between the most extreme elements of both metal and punk--metal's volume, punk's speed. Their music is noisy, but interestingly it's not the kind of noise that makes you plug your ears in distaste, like a car alarm or something: it's noise deployed with a purpose, noise designed to pummel you into submission. There's no point here in discussing differences between tracks because there aren't any. Lightning Bolt are Lightning Bolt, and you're going to have to (sunglasses descend from sky) deal with it.

MY RATING (although ratings hardly seem to matter for a group like this): 7.9

Lightning Bolt - "On Fire"

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