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Thursday, September 9, 2010

189. Jamie Lidell - Multiply (2005)

This is a soul/R&B album released on the Warp label, which used to be better known for electronic stuff like Aphex Twin but has since decided to branch out, adding bands like Battles and Grizzly Bear to their roster. The first thing that comes to mind when you pop this thing in is obviously 70s soul like Marvin Gaye and Al Green, albeit with an updated electronic backing, but other influences are obviously Stax/Motown ("Multiply") and Prince ("When I Come Back Around"). Mostly this is great stuff, classic soul pumped with enough electronic influence to keep it interesting. Lidell has an excellent voice, if somewhat faceless, and he manages to bring songs like "When I Come Back Around" off through just pure force of emotion and personality. This thing is short and every track has something to recommend it, whether it be the pure nostalgia of "Multiply" or the futurist, almost jungle beat of "The City". It's the kind of album that modern radio wants to make you believe doesn't exist anymore. The only weak spot comes at the end--placing two slow ballads right after each other to close out the record wasn't the best idea--but you can always go back and put "A Little Bit More" on again and dance. And you will want to. Lidell's later work hasn't even come close to the promise of this one, but this one is great enough. The level of musicianship here almost comes close to the early "classic period" Stevie Wonder, particularly Talking Book (although it doesn't match a masterpiece like Songs in the Key of Life). It's the perfect thing to play for your grumpy dad in the car when he starts complaining about how they don't make music like they used to. They do, and it's right here. A nice surprise to find on this list.


Jamie Lidell - "When I Come Back Around"

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